This week is going to be hard for me to fit in all my workouts that Barrie gave me. But I think I can do it if I stay focused. I'm back to work for 5 days. Which means I have to get all my training in the morning. No messing around with naps this week. Today I was up at 7am and out the door by 8am for a track workout by myself:( Doing track workouts alone is very hard. My workout was 6x1000m on 5min. The first 2 hurt really bad. I went 3:07 and 3:06. Then the 3rd-4th one were 3:08 and 3:10. The 5th one was 3:11. "ooops falling off pace and really hurting at this point", and the last one I brought home in 3:08. The last one was all done in the first 400m. I opened so fast. then died......... Then it was right off to the pool for a 4000m set. I did intervals of 1000m. 1st 1000m was warm-up, 2nd was 5x200 on 2:45 pull, then 10x100 on 1:20. then 1000m warm-down with paddles. I did this all in under an hour. then it was off to get some food at the grocery store. Now I have 15min before I leave for work. Tomorrow is going to be another rush day. I'm still feeling strong and looking forward to the race in Windsor this weekend. I'm not going to lie, but I'm looking to win it this year. After my training camp in Windsor, I feel like I can bike even fast then I did in Belwood. But we will see what the day brings.
Top 3, 2 years ago. I'm sure I will see both of them at the start line this Sunday!
Hi David,
Hope you don't mind a quick question, or two? Was reading your training routine and noticed you mentioned 6X1000 m on 5min. I get the 6x1000m portion but do not know exactly what the "on 5min" means? I have seen others use it as well. My assumption is that you start a cycle every 5 minutes so if you run 3:10 you would have a 1:50 break. If you took 3:30 to run the 1000m than you would have 1:30 break. So basically you are starting a run plus break cycle every 5 min. Thank you and best of luck in Windsor!
When I say on 5min, it means if I run 3:10 I would get 1:50 rest. So you had it right. It's just another way of saying I get 90sec rest or 2min rest. But this way if I'm running fast I get more rest. It's better if your running as a group when you have these kinda pace times. That way everyone is leaving at the same time. Hope this helped.
Thanks David for tip! I think my track workout would be more effective with a little more than one minute rest between 1k intervals so it is nice to see the top guys resting a little longer between reps.
Take care!
Hey david,
I think your the best thing that ever happend to triathlon! nice K's dude kill windsor son!!
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