Last night I signed up for Timberman 70.3. Barrie and I talked and we both think I'm better suited for 70.3 and NON-DRAFT races. So this week was the start of my 70.3 training. Monday was a easy 90min ride with a 60min run later in the day. Nothing hard because I had to work in the afternoon. Tuesday morning was a hard set done on my own. I went over to the lake and did 5x3min hard swimming with 4min rest. It took me about 45min in Guelph Lake. Then it was right into a 60min run where I went 15min easy, 30min tempo, 15min easy job back. Then it was off to work again. My work asked me if I wanted to work till 12:30 but I had to say no because of my Wednesday training with Sam McGlone. Because it's my first week at longer training, Barrie wanted me to stay with Sam and did what ever she did. So it started out in the water where we did a few laps and then onto the bike for 4 hours. In that 4 hour we did 2x45min ironman pace, and 3x20min at 1/2 ironman pace. Once we got back from our ride we ran 30min just to get our legs used to running off the bike. Now it's time to watch the tour that I missed this morning. I already know the results because I looked online, but I just like watching the tour.
P.S. Good luck to my training partner Karsten at Nationals this weekend.
LoL Thanks man! I will text you when i am done the race ;) keep it real!
you mean your assistant... right dave?
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